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Robofest (미국)
제목 Exhibition - Rules, Guide_한글번역본 추가 날짜 2015.06.10 14:37
글쓴이 한국로봇교육콘텐츠협회 조회 3973

Robofest의 모든 규정은??Lawrence Technological University?(LTU) 의 공식 홈페이지?http://www.robofest.net/ 에 배포되어 있는 Rule을 기준으로 합니다.?

아래 각 부분을 클릭하여 링크되어 있는?Rule, Guide 를 확인하시기 바랍니다.?

Exhibition - teams have complete freedom to enter any intelligent/autonomous/interactive robotics project.

Teams are composed of up to five members. In general, two students are recommended per robot. Sensors must be used. Any material can be used as long as it is safe for team members as well as spectators. Hard-wired remote control is not allowed. However, wireless host computer/robot control is allowed. Projects that has human interaction with the robots is highly encouraged.

Read the?2015 Exhibition Rules.

View the 2015?Exhibition Judging Rubric.

2015 Judging Information

Exhibition Judge Rubric:??PDF

Exhibition Judge Training Presentation:?PPT? |???PDF

Exhbition Score Sheets (Excel):?Blank Scoresheet? |??Example Scoresheet

Chief Judge Comment Form:?MS Word? |???PDF

2014 VIDEO

파일첨부 :
글쓴이 비밀번호
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주소 : 경기도 부천시 오정구 석천로 345 부천테크노파크 3단지 304동 505호 (우)14501     TEL : 070-7100-9447 (상담시간 : 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM)   FAX: 02-6280-6924   ,
e-mail : info@robofest.or.kr